Swachh Bharat Mission- A mission to clean the roads

Swachh Bharat Mission- A mission to clean the roads

A clean India is the need of the hour as there are many diseases that have become prevalent due to garbage and unhygienic substances being disposed in open. As a responsible citizen of India, it is our need and responsibility to keep our home, our roads and our country clean. Our Prime Minister is leading the charge for increasing cleanliness on the roads of our country and it has also awakened the spirits of our countrymen.

Angels Foundation is also doing its bit in making our country cleaner and greener. We have conducted several cleanliness drives in Lucknow especially in KudiyaGhat area to clean the Gomti River. We are also lending support to the people to encourage the cleaning habits. We provide the people with accessories such as dustbin, gloves, and brooms to clean their homes and their roads. We also make them understand the need of cleanliness and its impact on our health.

We are also advocating for public toilets in Markets to make them more hygienic and have also held meetings with political parties for same. We believe that we have to come together for a better tomorrow by making our country clean and free from diseases.